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Tag: blocked drains

When Should You Use a Blocked Drain Service in Auckland?

A blocked drain is when water can’t flow freely through the drain system. This can lead to backups in your sink, toilet and even your home’s sewage system. A blockage can be caused by a variety of things, including hair, soap scum, food scraps and other debris. 

There are a few things you can do to try and clear the blockage on your own: Pour boiling water down the drain to loosen any debris buildup; use a plunger to push objects and debris up from the drains; or use a snake to clear blockages in the main sewer line. You can avail the benefits of blocked stormwater drains services from online sources.

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When you have a blocked drain, the sooner you get it fixed, the less damage will be done. Blocked drains can cause major flooding in your home if not fixed quickly. So when should you use a blocked drain service? Here are four tips:

1. If there is water backing up from your sink or bathtub: This is usually a sign that your drainage system is blocked. If the water is coming from multiple places, or if it's been backed up for more than an hour, it's time to call in a professional.

2. If water is spilling out of your sink or bathtub: This may be due to a broken pipe or fixture, but it could also be indicative of a blockage. If you notice this happening on a regular basis, call in a professional to check things out.

3. If there is sewage backing up into your home: One of the most common signs that your drainage system is backed up is sewage smell coming from your drains. 

4. If water doesn't seem to be draining from your sink or bathtub at all: This could mean that there is an obstruction blocking the flow of water down your drain – either upstream (in the street), downstream (in the sewers), or inside your home itself. In this case, it might take professional help to clear the obstruction