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Tag: Wellness Center Santa Cruz

The Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy can help many conditions through the release of restrictions (or limited movements) found throughout the body. These restrictions can be created by physical, emotional, and mental factors and result in an imbalance in the craniosacral rhythm.

Because our mental and physical bodies are connected, supporting a release in the physical body can affect the mental sphere and vice versa. You can look for the best cranio-sacral therapists online.

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For instance, many people who have depression may have restrictions in their sphenoid bone, the butterfly-shaped cranial bone. Upon releasing the sphenoid restrictions, their depressive symptoms may start to lift.

Other physical conditions, such as migraines or headaches, may be caused by restrictions in the sphenoid and other cranial bones such as the frontal, occipital, parietal, and or temporal bones. Ringing in the ears or vertigo may also be caused by restrictions of different cranial bones such as the occipital, temporal, and parietal bones and can decrease after treatments.

Many other conditions are caused by different restrictions and can be helped through craniosacral therapy, including sinus problems, TMJ syndrome, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, chronic pain, and more.

The cranial rhythm is a very subtle rhythm that can be felt by a practitioner in a place of near stillness or meditation. The rate is generally around 6-10 cycles per minute, and in a healthy person, the rhythm is wide and balanced on both sides of the body.

Craniosacral Therapy – Manipulating Your Brain and Spinal Cord

Sometimes a light touch is all you need. A relatively new type of massage, which only has been widely used in a mainstream alternative for about 30 years, working to alleviate problems associated mainly with the pain and loss of function.

This is done by applying a very light pressure to evaluate and improve the system's craniosacral body – is connected to the brain and spinal cord. You can also purchase shungite water kit.

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While people who seek therapy craniosacral sometimes disabled individuals or parents of infants who have undergone some sort of birth trauma, it is also recommended for people who suffer from migraines, tension, anxiety and other disorders that are relatively small.

Unlike many other alternative treatments, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that craniosacral therapy can work – at least in patients with severely disabled.

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Work?

Also known as CST or cranial osteopathy, this therapy centers around a very light massage on the craniosacral area, working the spine and head together to realign the bone, spine allows unrestricted fluid flow, and reduce pain.

Like many alternative therapies claim to help the body heal itself, and said that doing so can improve our ability to fight disease and help treat a variety of problems associated with either dysfunction or pain.

While having someone messing with the brain and spinal cord may sound a little dicey, massage actually totally non-invasive and quite relaxed, involving osteopathy Cranial gently manipulating your skull as you lie on a massage table and tried not to think of Frankenstein.