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Tag: thumb sucking prevention

When Should Children Stop Sucking Their Thumbs?

For most kids, thumb sucking stops as they progress from infant to the toddler stage – anywhere from 2 to 4 years old. If children keep sucking their thumb beyond the age of 4, that's when the problems may start.

Permanent teeth start to develop as the child reaches the toddler stage, and constant thumb sucking can begin to have a negative impact. To prevent this thumb sucking habit among your child, you can look for various thumb sucking prevention devices online at amazon.

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Excessive violence or thumb sucking can cause a number of serious problems. These problems include:

  • Misalignment of teeth (known as malocclusion): This could cause an overbite or open bite, which need to be improved in the future through dental care.
  • Skin / Nail Damage
  • Speech Development: For more information about thumb sucking and the development of speech, click here.

How Can I Stop My Child from Thumb Sucking them?

Before you take drastic action, it's a good idea to check with your dentist.

They will be able to distinguish if there are problems with sucking his thumb, and if so, how to fix it. Seek the opinion of a health professional is absolutely essential if you are at all concerned.

If it's determined that it's time to start weaning your child from sucking their thumbs, there are several methods that you can use.

Try talking with your child about the problem, but do not ever be accused of it.

Talking with your child carefully and wisely; thumb sucking is often exacerbated by stress, and angry or depressed confrontation probably will not help the problem.