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Tag: procurement course

Procurement Online Course: What You Need To Know

Procurement is an important process in any business, and it’s no different for online businesses. The benefits of procurement online courses are numerous and include a reduction in time spent on administrative tasks, an increase in the efficiency and accuracy of procurement processes, and an improvement in communication between buyers and suppliers. 

if you are looking for a procurement online course, you may visit, online courses can help improve supplier performance by providing them with the opportunity to learn from experienced suppliers, as well as increasing the chances that they will comply with procurement policies.

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There are three main types of procurement online courses: business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and government:-

Business-to-business courses teach students how to bid on contracts, negotiate contracts, and manage procurement processes. Business-to-consumer courses focus on how to acquire products and services from customers. Government procurement courses teach students about the process of acquiring goods and services from government entities.

Each type, of course, has its own benefits . Business-to-business courses are often more expensive than other types of courses, but they can help students learn how to bid on contracts and negotiate contracts effectively.

Business-to-consumer courses may be cheaper but they may not teach students as much about how to acquire products and services from customers.

Government procurement courses are usually the most affordable type of course, but they may not cover all aspects of the procurement process.

Difference between Procurement, Purchasing and Sourcing


For every procurement professionals working in this department, one of the challenges they find is to understand the correct terminology. This is because the terminologies sound the same even though they are different to one another. For example; purchasing and procurement is a term based on buying however, the difference exists. This leads to a lot of confusion. Let’s focus on the differences between procurement, purchasing and sourcing.

  1. Procurement –It is the term used for purchasing goods and services for a business. The term procurement is used for the identification of different activities such as identifying the goods or services and more. Procurement based activities include selecting a vendor, negotiate different contracts, coming to agreement related to payment, analyze etc. Therefore, procurement is the bigger brother to purchase.
  2. Purchase – The term purchase is a part of procurement where both define the meaning of purchase. Both terms may sound similar but there are differences between 2. Buying or selling of goods or services which in turn acts as a part of transaction-oriented while purchasing is only about make and receive payments.
  3. Sourcing – Procurement requires good source of purchasing goods and services. As mentioned above that procurement is about buying goods and services on behalf of a company, souring is all about finding the best and genuine vendors and suppliers for the goods. Therefore, sourcing is a sub-part of procurement.

These are the differences between procurement, purchasing and sourcing. However, doing contracts and procurement courses will allow you to learn more in-depth information on these 3 popular terms.