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Tag: asbestos inspection newcastle

Find yourself a Reliable Asbestos Removal Company with these Helpful Tips

 Newcastle, NSW asbestos removal

In the early construction industry, asbestos was a widely used material. This was due to the unique characteristics asbestos had making it an absolute must for structure construction. However, the popularity did not last long due to a few research and studies performed by experts. Based on the studies, it was revealed that asbestos as a material was capable of causing moderate to severe health diseases related to the lungs. Moreover, asbestos was known to get crumbled easily with the slightest of touches that made it disappeared into the atmosphere. So, if you find asbestos inside your house, then you need to hire a reliable asbestos removal company with these tips.

  1. Check the Validity of the License – Like any other company, asbestos removal companies are required to have a license while offering their services. When you talk to the company official, ensure that the license is valid and not expired.
  2. Check with Inspection Services – Whenever you hire an asbestos removal company, the professional needs to inspect the place before the removal work is carried out.
  3. Check with your Personal Network – There are times when your friends and family members come to your rescue. Consider talking to them in order to find a genuine asbestos removal company. When you do, you may be offered several names and experiences. Ensure to write down the names on a piece of paper to start speaking to a few.
  4. Check the Reviews – Make sure to check the reviews and ratings of the company you are interested in.

These tips will help you find a genuine company that offers services related to asbestos removal in Newcastle, NSW region.

Types of Asbestos That You Must be Aware of

testing in Newcastle asbestos

When it comes to asbestos, is a material comprising of soft and fluffy appearance during its natural state. During this natural state, asbestos comprises unique characteristics like being highly resistant to chemical corrosion, heat and electricity. Due to these unique characteristics, asbestos was highly popular in the construction industry. But researchers studied a few things about this material and they found that asbestos was capable of causing severe health issues. Learn more about asbestos based on its types.

  1. Amosite – Amosite is a type of asbestos that also has another name called brown asbestos. This asbestos is found in insulation products, cement sheets and more.
  2. Chrysotile – Chrysotile asbestos is known to be the most popular and common asbestos of its types. This asbestos is known to be found on the surface of a structure’s roof, walls, floors and ceilings.
  3. Crocidolite – Crocidolite asbestos was known to offer protection to traditional steam engines. Apart from offering protection to steam engines, this asbestos also offered protection to plastics, cement and insulation products.
  4. Tremolite and Actinolite – The least popular types of asbestos in this list would be tremolite and actinolite. One of the reasons behind the least popular is the capability of causing contamination to chrysotile asbestos, vermiculture etc.  

These are some of the most common types of asbestos you should be aware of. No matter what type of asbestos you come across, it is recommended not to touch it. It is recommended to hire a professional for asbestos testing in Newcastle region in order to get rid of it.