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Tag: AC Repair

Benefits Of Using An Air Conditioner In Basement In Burlington

A basement air conditioner is very useful as it helps in preventing several kinds of health issues. These are also useful in reducing air dampness which is known to cause many different problems. You can choose your best options for cooling a finished basement from Berico.

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House Dust Mite Prevention

One of the dangers of high humidity indoors is an increasing problem of dust mites. These dust mites are the main cause of various health problems such as asthma and allergies. A dehumidifier can reduce the humidity level in the home and thus prevent these health problems from occurring.

Stops Insects From Breeding

If the house has humid conditions, it becomes a breeding ground for various types of small insects, centipedes, and pests. Such insects are often found in places like bathrooms, basements, laundries, and crawl spaces, because such areas of the home have high levels of humidity, and only a good dehumidifier can solve this problem.

Prevent Fungal Spores

Mold is usually found behind bathrooms, in attics, and around toilets. If mold is not prevented, mold spores can be a serious health risk. The best solution is to use a dryer to reduce humidity and prevent mold growth. You can use a bleach solution along with a dehumidifier to permanently eliminate the problem.

Reduce Energy Costs

When the air in any room is humid, it feels much warmer than normal air. In such situations, people operate the air conditioner on a lower setting to achieve the same amount of cooling that occurs when the air is not humid.

Is Your Air Conditioner Ready To Compete With The Summer Weather?

Air conditioning is a technology that alters air properties into a condition that is favorable and comfortable. It is therefore very important in everyday living and without it, the quality of life can be reduced to great levels. Today, air conditioning has become very popular and very important in all households. Summer is here with its suffocating heat forcing you to have to shut your windows and blast your AC.

While you're enjoying this fabulous weather you should also take time to ensure your AC is prepped to work optimally this summer. Before calling a professional clear the condenser coils of all dirt and debris. You can also get professional air conditioning installation services by visiting

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What's included in a professional AC tune-up? Want AC repair services? Thoroughly clean and replace all filters, Calibrate your thermostat, Service and replace all necessary electrical components, Ensure refrigerant levels are up to par, Cleanout evaporator and condenser coils, Oil motors.

Once all these points have been checked off the service list your AC should be able to handle the hot summer heat without any upsets. Keep in mind it's better to get your AC checked out before the steamy weather hits so you don't have to sit around and sweat until a professional can make it to your home.