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A Facebook Messenger Bot is a chatbot that integrates right into the Facebook messenger platform and allows for instant contact with the customers as it may pertain to his or her queries, returns, and other customer services. The Messenger Bot also facilitates interaction between the customer and the company's website. ChatBots help automate many common customer support requests and tasks on a conversational messaging platform, such as Facebook Messenger, and therefore help speed up the process of most customer support requests. This is especially true with new product launches and other customer-related requests that may be time intensive or require a lot of technical assistance to get implemented.

These Messenger Bot can be customized by the user according to his or her preference. They can integrate with other online systems such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google+ and enable them to create dynamic interactions between the customers and the company. There are many companies that allow their customers to have Facebook Messenger Chat Bots which can interact with other Facebook users. These types of ChatBots are generally used for brand awareness activities such as promotions and brand recall.

It has been observed that the usage of Facebook Messenger Bots is quite prevalent amongst consumers in various countries. Most of these consumers are mostly using these Bots for various reasons, including shopping and other related activities. One can get an idea of how popular the Facebook Messenger Bot is among different segments of users, by the number of requests received from customers in a given time span. For example, a business may get over one million requests a day in a given month, while a consumer may receive about 500 requests a day.

Many users are not aware of the existence of the Facebook Messenger Bot. However, Facebook bots can be utilized to automate the customer support process, making life easier for the companies themselves. These systems are designed in such a way that they can easily connect with all customer-related functions including returns and the forms. Hence, it enables the customer to contact the company with the help of the Messenger Bot and the customer will also be able to easily log on and access information regarding his or her queries and other queries.

These Messenger Bots is generally integrated with the customer account and can be accessed anytime through the Facebook messenger. In fact, customers can also interact with the customer care representatives on the Messenger Chat. and view their comments.

There are several different types of Bots available in the market, ranging from very simple to complex ones. Most of them enable the users to interact with their friends directly from within the Facebook messenger. Some of these systems also enable customers to leave messages and provide feedback and provide details about their requirements.

Business owners can also use these systems as tools for increasing their visibility among their customers. They can send relevant information about their company on different social networking sites so that they get the desired response and can reach out to more people on the same platform. They can also share links with them that will increase their chances of getting potential customers.

This system has revolutionized the way businesses have approached customer support. In the past, the process involved extensive technical support and other administrative steps such as sending emails and making phone calls to their customers and sending multiple messages on behalf of the company. The Messenger Bot system offers an automated and easy way to make customers aware of their services and thus, helps increase the customer's exposure.