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Mobility scooters have become a popular way to stay active and independent as they offer an easy way to get around. Read more to know the four ways to use mobility scooters and get the most out of their benefits:

1. Use them for transportation.

Mobility scooters make great vehicles for getting around your neighborhood, town, or city. They’re lightweight and easy to maneuver, so you can take them where cars can’t go. Plus, they don’t require any license or registration, so you can use them with ease anywhere there are laws that allow motorized vehicles.

2. Use them for exercise.

Mobility scooters offer a fun and easy way to get your daily exercise. You can ride them all around your home or yard, or head out for a quick ride on the open road. Indoor riding is especially great for people who live in apartments or condos where there isn’t room to ride a bike outside.

3. Use them as assistive devices.

Mobility scooters can be used as Assistive Devices (ADs) by people who have difficulty walking or using traditional wheelchairs due to different physical abilities such as paralysis, cerebral palsy, joint replacement surgery, etc… AD users benefit from the power of the engine and steerability of the mobility scooter in order to achieve independence and quality of life goals while remaining safe! 

4. Use them for fun.

Mobility scooters offer a great way to have fun and stay active. Riding around your neighborhood is a great way to get some exercise, and you can also take them out for a ride on the open road if you want to explore some new areas.