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How To Stop Your Child From Sucking Their Thumb?

Children have natural sucking reflexes. This is why you often find them putting their thumb or fingers in the mouth. It also occurs before their birth, while remaining in the womb. Since thumb sucking makes children feel safe, some people develop it as a habit when they are in need of soothing or going to sleep when they grow up.

Finding ways to help your child stop the habit will be beneficial for their dental health in the long run. You can also buy thumb sucking guard by visiting the Amazon Australia website.

Compete with your child's habit

Studies have shown that most children want to stop until the age of six and require guidance. Your role as a parent is to guide them without any pressure. Be firm but calm. Support them at every step of the way.

Make your child aware of the habit

The habit can be an unconscious one and you need to help your child recognize it. Focus on what you like about the behavior and why. Educate them about the "bad" germs that live on their thumb and which go into their mouth and make them sick. A little exaggeration can help!

Keep track

Watch and identify when and how often your child sucks his thumb. This will help determine how severe the problem can be.

Distract him

By identifying the correct timing of your baby's thumb-sucking, you'll know when to offer something to occupy their hands, such as doing a puzzle or playing with a ball.

Control the thumb sucking by applying devices such as bitter substances, bandages, and gloves.