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How To Get Prepared For Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implants provide a long-term solution to restore the function and appearance of the missing teeth. Implant treatment is one of the best ways to replace teeth and the safest. You can visit your family dental clinic and enjoy considerable benefits by opting for effective dental surgery.

It is very important to use the services of a highly qualified dentist. It is wise to rely on your family dentistry to get the benefits from the hands of experienced and highly qualified dentists. Let us take a look at detailed information about implant surgery.

The jaw bone must be strong before dental implant surgery. If you have lost a lot of jaw bone, it is necessary to perform a bone graft before dental implant surgery. A qualified and expert dentist will help you assess your exact condition before starting a safe and effective dental implant surgery.

Implant surgery begins with anesthesia

Dental implant surgery will begin with local anesthesia. The anesthetic numbs the area around your teeth. You will be awake during the procedure but will not feel any pain.

How is the implant done?

After anesthesia, the dentist will open the gums to access the jaw bone and evaluate the site. Then, using a series of exercises, the dentist will make a hole in the jawbone for the implant. Once implanted, the surgical site will be closed with stitches and the implant cap.

The healing process

The stitches can be removed within 7 to 10 days, but the fusion of the implant can take 3 to 6 months. It is important to keep the implant area and surrounding teeth clean, otherwise bacteria could develop, leading to bone loss and failure.