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People who are looking for luxury flats to rent may have different demands according to their purpose of renting the flat. But for whatever purpose, almost all luxury apartments have the following features:

* Centrally air-conditioned rooms.

* Balcony and / or terrace.

* Built-in cupboard for storing items.

* Designer kitchen and bathroom with all facilities provided there. If you are looking for luxury apartment for rent then you can browse hells kitchen luxury flats online.

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* In the kitchen they have microwaves, ovens, shelves, high-grade stainless steel appliances, cabinets, tables, etc.

* In the bathroom they have marble floors, bathtubs, cabinets, shelves, glass shower doors, lamps, etc.

* Security features include alarm systems (burglar alarms, fire alarms, smoke alarms, earthquake alarms etc.), cameras, key alarm systems and remote control, and many of them also have computerized security coverage.

* Hi-tech features are also available in many luxury flats for rent. This includes modems, routers, intercoms, cable TV, internal computer networks etc.

Now depending on the requirements of prospective tenants, people can decide which features are needed in luxury flats to rent. You will find different ranges in renting luxury flats depending on how good the flat is. Now it depends on the tenant how many facilities they need and how much they can afford.